Steel Industry

Glass Industry

Thermic Applications


Food Industry

Chemical Industry

Dust extraction

Waste incineration plant

Industrial gas scrubbing

AirVision is active in all the industrial business fields and owns a major experience and numerous references in many applications and in all the business industries.

It is mandatory to own references to prove our ability in manufacturing reliable fans suitable for a specific process request. The following list of applications and business sectors is not complete and we invite you to contact us for more information and specific references lists.

  • Défi : ce secteur nécessite parfois des ventilateurs de grandes tailles et puissances élevées mais également des ventialteurs plus pointus selon les applications.
  • Solution : ventilateurs de tous types selon l’application.
  • Références : Liste sur demande.

De l’agglomération à la coulée continue, en passant par la cokerie, le haut –fourneau et le convertisseur, une usine sidérurgique fourmille de ventilateurs de combustion, de recyclage, d’homogénéisation, de refroidissement, ou placés derrière les filtres pour assainir les postes de travail et éviter le rejet de poussières à l’atmosphère.

Entre cette phase à chaud et le traitement à froid de l’acier, de nombreux types de fours et laminoirs servent à conditionner l’acier dans la forme voulue : four à brame, à blooms ou billettes puis les laminoirs permettront d’obtenir coils, poutrelles, rails, barres ou fils. Chaque fois, il faut procéder au réchauffage de l’acier tant pour lui donner la forme voulue que lui conférer des propriétés particulières par traitement thermique. Les ventilateurs sont encore ici de précieux auxiliaires des fours de réchauffage ou four de recuit continu des lignes de revêtements métalliques ou organiques.

Certains d’entre eux doivent être rigoureusement étanches lorsqu’ils doivent véhiculer le mélange réducteur d’hydrogène et d’azote (HNx) destiné à éviter l’oxydation de la tôle au contact de l’air. La puissance du moteur d’entraînement est parfois impressionnante et peut approcher 1500 kW.

Dans les lignes de décapage, des produits chimiques corrosifs sont utilisés pour nettoyer la tôle ou les fils. Acides (HCl…) et bases (NaOH,…) requièrent l’utilisation de ventilateurs revêtus d’ébonite, ou des ventilateurs en matière synthétique (PPH, PE, PVDF). Ils sont placés avant ou après les laveurs de gaz selon la disposition des lieux.

Air Vision dispose de nombreuses références en sidérurgie et métallurgie, tant auprès des sociétés d’engineering qui intègrent les ventilateurs dans leur propre équipement (four, filtre, échangeur, chaudière de récupération…), qu’auprès de l’utilisateur final de cet équipement lorsqu’il s’agit de le rénover (revamping), d’assurer sa maintenance, ou de le modifier au cours de son cycle de vie.

Case Story


CMI Cockerill

  • Challenge: the reliability and the energetic aspects are the main criteria. The challenge of temperature is more or less important according the application.
  • Solution: they are various with low range fans but robust and well designed.
  • References: we have numerous references and a real know how in this business field with Saint-Gobain, Glaverbel, … but also with the EOM working in this field. List of reference on demand.

The plate glass and containers (bottles..) manufacturing requires a high level of energy, as the beginning of the process consist in melting the material made of sand, lime, soda and other special ingredients.


The smelting furnace are consequently equipped with burners, back heaters (thermal exchange between the fresh air and hot smokes) exhaust piping to the chimney, usually with a bag filter upstream to retain the dust in the flow. The refractory bricks walls have to be cooled also.


Each equipment requires to put in movement the air or the smokes considering the pressure drop generated by this flow circulation. It is the function of the fans requested to generate high pressure as well as important flow, keeping the reliability of all the installation. Indeed, a glass furnace should operate continuously to avoid damage and deterioration to its structure.

At the exit of the furnace, the liquid glass should be shaped:


  • For plate glass, it is floating on melting tin bath because of the density difference, to give to it the wished plate shape but also the transparency. Then it is cooled progressively, the glass sheet moves on conveyors through a line called annealing lehr. Here too, the fans are major instrument of the process evacuating progressively the calories by cooling or to control the temperature rising to acceptable level for the structure. They must resist to a temperature up to 550°C.
  • For this containers as bottle, the molten glass is moved by feeders and cut into glass tears (parison) shaped in a matrix belonging to an IS machine. The bottles go through a stress relieve annealing in a lehr arch.


The fans ensure the cooling, the air pressurization and the smoke extraction.

Before being exhausted in the atmosphere, the fumes should be cooled and dustless. The exhaust fan is placed downstream of the bag filter or the electrostatic filter (ESP), and should be able to resist to a temperature up to 400°C, extracting at the same time large flows of fumes in the chimney.

Among the transformations on the plate glass after cooling, the quenching used to improve the mechanical characteristic of the glass sheet. In case of glass breakage, the quenched glass will crack into small pieces without sharp edges, called security glass. Here too, the fans ensure the quenching furnace operation and the severe and rapid cooling of the glass to confer it the right characteristics.


AirVision owns multiple references in the business glass industry, for each of the process steps described before.

  • Challenge: this sector requires strong aeraulics skills and the several process expertises. The temperature is all the time a key challenge.
  • Solutions: fans with different steel types execution and equipped with cooling systems in regards to the high temperatures.
  • References: list of references on demand according the type application.

The thermic applications require often fans in many industrial business fields. The original equipment manufacturers include our fans in their machines as for example; boilers, burners, heat exchanger, ovens, dust extractors, etc….


The following functions must be ensured by fans with particular characteristics according the challenge to be met.


Combustion: fans high pressure for fluidized beds or for pulverized fuel boilers.


Cooling: reliability and energetic efficiency: for example, to ensure the lifetime of the oven walls or the melting tin bath in glass industry.


Smoke extraction: the fan is the real lung of the installation including combustion. The speed regulation ensures a light depression in the oven or the incinerator, whatever the production regime.


Recycling and/or reheating: the design of the fan should be compatible with operation temperature (up to 800°C) and if the oxidation of the product should be banned, the fluid processed might be a mix reduced of hydrogen and nitrogen: the fans are rigorously gas-tight and allow a secured operation of the installation.


Smokes dust extraction: the fan is in general downstream to the bag filters or electrostatic filter, close by the chimney.  According the flow and the pressure drop of the system, the absorbed power range is large, from 132 kW to 2500 kW. In addition to its reliability, the operation should be done with less noise possible, as the inlet/outlet noise is due to the smoke exhaust chimney.



Air Vision count among his clients many references for thermal applications, for example:


  • Smoke exhaust fans for glass furnace and steelwork plant.
  • Recirculating fan of HNx on the annealing tunnel furnace in steelwork plant.
  • Fans for annealing lehr
  • Smoke extraction fan on refuse incineration plant or industrial
  • Exhaust fan on waste heat boiler
  • Recirculation fan on wood drier, bricks driers, etc…
  • High pressure combustion air fan for boilers
  • Cooling fans for the walls of melting tin bath or the glass ovens.


  • Challenge : the corrosion and the sealing are the usual problems in this business field. The fan might be of high power but with special care for the efficiency.
  • Solution : fan with robust construction, reliable and adapted design to ensure operation with corrosion, ATEX, …
  • References : fans for biomass boilers or classical, application in the nuclear, green electricity production, biogas business lines.
  • Challenge : in this business line, the hygiene is an obsession and the fans execution should systematically made of stainless steel with a meticulous care on the details.
  • Solution : the fans for this field should be executed with high level requirements. Smooth welding to avoid any bacteria or material adhesion, no water retention zones, nothing to be left to chance.
  • References : numerous executions in the food industry with Puratos, Cargill…
  • Challenge: The fans used in this sector are subject to very corrosive and toxic gases and need to fullfill some specific requirements.
  • Solution : The materials used can varie from inox to spacial aloys as well as plastic.
  • References : We are doing business with all the big names of the sector are . List of references is available upon request.
  • Challange : According the position in the process, a higher care will be given to the impeller choice with backwards straight blades or radial blades and resistant to abrasion if necessary.
  • Solution: heavy-duty execution fan against the abrasion and avoiding the clogging by selection of adapted impeller.
  • References: dust extraction in cement plant, wood industry or paper manufacturing as well for other industries. Reference list on demand.
  • Challenge: Exhaust fan for this application combines multiple constraints in relation to corrosion, the sealing level, the power, the temperature and reliability.
  • Solution: Duplex material fan, with heavy level sealing, sometimes equipped with two motors (auxiliary motor).
  • References: We have equipped many incineration plants through the main actors of this sector.
  • Challenge: several applications are possible: wet gas scrubbing, active charcoal or bio-filtration. The fans are continuously operating with corrosive air. The ATEX is often mandatory when treating VOC
  • Solutions: fan resistant to the corrosion and airtight, either in polypropylene or in Inox according the application.
  • References: numerous installations in the industrial sector and in waste water treatment plants for air deodorization.